We are proud to say that Neal just inked a deal to work on Wolverine. We at Continuity are very excited. I always like to work with both companies DC and Marvel and I am happy we are going to be doing that. I just put up some Wolverine pin up art to wet all of our appetites .
Now on to Batman news. Neal is completely done with pencils on the first series which is 6 issues. YEAH ! “I’m Happy” Six complete issues. “I felt I had to say it again” I hear I will be handing in the first 5 pages of the next book, “The Underworld” on Monday and we will also start working on the first cover of the series as well. Neal has been inking along with penciling so I know everyone will be happy.
Commercial Work
We are happy to say that Continuity has another commercial that we worked on the animation part of on TV right now for Dannon Danonino. This is not CGI like the Nasonex Bee that we are known for. This is done with traditional art animation. I know I’m going to go out and buy some this weekend.
Next week I will be showing some color work on the Superman Vs Muhammad Ali project and more Batman of course. Also don’t forget to check out Astonishing Xmen on Itunes as well as the last two episodes of Time Jumpers.
Have a great weekend I know the Adams family will be sledding in Prospect Park this weekend. Keep warm and enjoy the rest of our site.