I hope everyone had a great holiday week last week. I know the Adams Family did, and everyone is back to work this week. Continuity has taken on the last two episodes of the “Stan Lee Time Jumper” animated Series and it has been very exciting. It is in a different style than what we did with the “Astonishing Xmen” motion comic project. I believe our “Time Jumper” episode#9 will be out on Itunes at the end of this month. We are adding artwork and editorial editing to help make this a dynamic series for Disney.
Astonishing Xmen Episode#6 on sale at Itunes from Marvel. The last episode of the first series is on sale at Itunes. The episode leaves you on a cliffhanger. Who is talking behind Emma in the last frame????
Batman Odyssey has been made larger. We have just penned an agreement for part 2 of the Odyssey which will be another 150 story. We are very excited on how this project is moving along . We are gathering together the top talent of the field to work with Neal on the inking chores of this fantastic series. I will keep you posted on when DC will be putting it out. Neal handed in the plots and scripts for the new second half of “Batman Odyssey “this week. And I decided to show a little Scott Williams inking on Neal.
First Wave. Neal did a dynamic cover over the holiday week, which Moose Bauman did a great job in coloring up for us. I have posted it to the side. Too bad it is a variant cover so keep your eyes peeled at the comic store.
More exciting news to come next week with more exciting art.
I am so jacked about this job! I know I could do some great inks over Neal's pencils! How can I get in on this seriously?