Friday, June 18, 2010

Batman to Superman ?

This week we have been knee high in supervising color for the Superman Vs Muhammad Ali reprint. It is looking fantastic. We are not going overboard with new color. We are keeping the flavor of the original color and just bringing it up a notch. When I first started working at Continuity one of the first jobs I had besides answering the phones and making sure the coffee pot was full for the "Crusty Bunkers" was that I got to zip some of the pages of the Superman Vs Ali job. I remember being really scared of screwing up. I was using an exacto- blade (which is a small razor blade) and I was cutting this thin skin stuff called zip-a-tone on Neal Adams original art and what if I cut through the paper? "OH MY GOD !" Well the first page I ever zipped is the spread with the green aliens pointing. I zipped the ring in the sky. Now I am watching over the book again. I'm so glad that we get to refurbish it and DC is printing it again. Thank you Paul Levitz.
I also wanted to remind everyone that not this weekend, but next, Neal will be in Long Beach at the Science Day Convention. Neal is doing a panel on his " The Earth is growing" theory. He will be showing his animated fun and interesting video as well as talking about it. If you can't make it we do sell Neal's videos on his theory on the front page of our site. Don't miss out.
I also wanted to share this week a piece of original art that we recently sold. It is a gorgeous Supergirl piece so please keep your eyes on the original art that we have for sale on our site. Jason who runs Neal's original art is always changing things up.
Next week I will be showing what we will be selling at San Diego and all the great people that will be at our table during San Diego. I have 4 weeks left to convince you to come meet us in San Diego. I have heard that we may be attending some more conventions so stay tuned and I will be listing them next week.

Happy Fathers Day to all you Dad's

1 comment:

  1. Kris, Everything from the new Sups vs Ali book to Neal's science shows sounds TOTALLY FANTASTIC and I'm looking forward to everything!!!

    I also really enjoyed visiting the Adam's family
    at last year's Baltimore Comic Con... Could Baltimore Comic Con be on that list of other conventions you want us to stay tuned for next week?.. I HOPE!!
