Friday, November 19, 2010

Kris's Worlds One Year Aniversary

I thought it was appropriate to party with the one and only party man himself Joker....... I can't believe I started this a year ago. I sure have had a lot of fun. And I promise this year will be even better. I convinced them to put final cut pro in my computer so that I can film the crazy things that go on at Continuity during the week and then I can make videos to share with you. I really enjoyed doing the video of what we had for sale at the New York Comic Con and it was nice to meet a lot of you that seem to really enjoy Kris's World. That was really,really nice.
So lets get on with this week.......
I decided since we are in the heat of "Batman Odyssey" to make my page almost all about that.
I am very excited to say that you can pick up Batman Odyssey #5 next week while your eating Thanksgiving dinner. What a good book to read while digesting the best meal of the year!
I also wanted to share a page that came in from Batman Odyssey #6. Who is the guest inker for this book????? Drum roll please........ Bill Sienkiewicz. Yes, Bill is inking Issue #6 and its a great combination. We are very excited that Bill is working with us on this adventure. Tell me what you guys think. Who else do you think I should try and get to ink over Neal's pencils?
We have beautiful color work from interior pages of Batman Odyssey #5 as well.
Next week I will be showing the cover to Batman Odyssey #7. So check out my site next week
while enjoying the holiday.

PS I pulled out the famous Adams Family recipe for Thanksgiving stuffing.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Everything we are taking to NY Comic con

Well, I did promise that I would list and show almost everything that we will have at our Booth at comic con. (We are booth #2164) So I made a movie because I could not fit all the great images of work from all the books and statues and shirts that we will be selling at the show. Please check
out my show and if you like this way of seeing what goes on at Continuity I can every once in a while do a movie like this. I hope you enjoy it.
Batman Odyssey #4 ships this week (I'm very excited) I think it is the best Issue so far.
Neal is busy inking away on Issue #5 which also looks fantastic, I can't wait to share. I hope to meet everyone at New York Comic con next weekend!

Almost forgot. You can buy all this product that I mentioned in my video at our store. Just say
you saw it in our video.

Till then

Friday, September 24, 2010

Batman Odyssey #4 leaves for the printer !

I am very excited about Batman Odyssey this week . We finished the color on Issue#4 and it
looks great.We are now inking Odyssey #5. We handed in Page 20 in pencil on Batman Issue #11. It is definitely moving along. I am hoping Batman Odyssey #4 is out in time for the New York Comic con that we will be attending. We will be selling the new "Art of Neal Adams from Vanguard, The Batman Odyssey #3 cover T-shirt from Graphitti Design. All of the "Neal Adams Batman Illustrated" books from DC , "The 4 Adams" book , all of Neal's sketchbooks, Original art and so much more.
Now I want to discuss what I have put up in art this week.
The piece on the top of my site is a piece from Batman Odyssey #4. The piece that is still being
inked to the right is from Batman Odyssey #5 and the pencil spread below is from Batman Odyssey #6. I feel like the story is really moving along. Every time I read the books I notice another piece of story, so make sure you go back and read the first couple of issues and you'll see what I mean. It's starting to really come together. Neal has left many clues that I think you have to be patient about. Why does Neal keep going back every issue to Bruce Wayne? It's not something that Neal does??? Who is Bruce Wayne talking to?
I will be updating again on Tuesday. I will be making a list of what we are doing at the comic con as well as showing some sneak peaks of art that Neal is doing for a Gallery show.I might just have some video of Neal painting.

Stay Tuned

Friday, September 17, 2010

You have to get this Book "The Art Of Neal Adams"

Hi Everybody,
I am back from the summer fun and ready to start blogging again. This week I decided to write about the new "Art of Neal Adams " book that just came out from Vanguard this week.
I believe this is the best book that has ever come out of my dad's work. My brother Jason designed and picked the pieces that are in this book. We decided to dig deep into the art drawers and make, the best book so far of Neal's work. (That so far means I want to do another one.)
It starts with pages that Neal did while he was in high school and leads into his first commercial job for Johnstone and Cushing, which was how to make Fish prints. I got this piece of art from Bob Le Rose and I coudn't believe that my father actually bought a fish and printed with it. (Somehow I thought that was cheating. Why didn't you draw it?)The book than goes on to his Archie Joke pages which I did get a chuckle when I read "Jughead In Soup's On." The book then goes onto some Ben Casey work with the photos that Neal shot of himself as Ben Casey so that he would get the intense acting that he wanted to draw in his strip. Chapter 3 is Neal's comic art which we pulled pieces that are well known and pieces of "Son of God" which might not be as known. It has Neal's Savage paintings and Movie Poster paintings all very large on the pages. (I personally hate when I can't see the art really big) It has some of Neal's commercial work that we have done with well known superheroes and it even has a chapter on Theme Park design work that Neal has done. The book is beautifully printed with really rich color. I have a hard time putting it down. I like to flip through it when I really should be making phone calls looking for work.
THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK ! And I know you will agree. I have loaded some of the images from the book so that you can see what I am talking about.My page has 6 pages from the book for you to see. We are selling this in our store on the first page of our site. Just look for the STORE button and I know the bigger comic stores will be carrying it as well.
Now on to Batman Odyssey.
We are very close to finishing the color up on Book #4 which ships in October and we handed in up to page 15 of Issue #11. Neal is cruising.......

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Heading to San Diego Comic Con

This is a big exciting week at Continuity. Batman Odyssey is out and doing well. I hear rumor of a lot of re-ordering by the stores so make sure you get your copy before they run out. I know I have my copy stashed away. We had a fantastic and exciting signing at Midtown Comics last weekend that had great people with great conversations as Neal signed away. I must say the people at Midtown comics are the greatest they really made us feel at home and they have a fantastic store. All I saw was lots and lots of happy people discussing the Batman Odyssey while on line waiting for signatures.
So here is my update on what we have handed in to date on Batman Odyssey ..... Neal handed in page 15 of Odyssey episode #10 in pencil. We are handing in the complete coloring of Batman Odyssey #2 this week and it looks fantastic. I am bursting to tell everybody what happens in it.. Neal is inking away on Odyssey #3 and Scott Williams is inking away on Odyssey #4. I must say his pages look great.
Check out the cover for Odyssey #4 on the side. Batman looks really tortured by something that has happened. I also have put up some more penciled pages as a sneak peak of what's to come. I love the piece with the guy getting his tooth knocked out by Batman.
On to more news.
Everyone at Continuity is leaving this weekend to head down to our LA office and then down to San Diego. All of my brothers are busy with the new sketchbooks they are making to sell at Comic Con. I believe Jason Spyda Adams is giving away all of his trade secrets in his book on sculpting and I believe it has pictures a long the way to illustrate what he is talking about. He will also be selling his sculptures and he always has a great display booth of all his sculptures, come and look and talk to him.
Joel Adams is displaying his "Little Creatures of the Night" He will be selling T-shirts of the "Lilz" and I here he has made some Skateboard decks with the "Lilz". I have creatures of the Night displayed lower on my page.
Josh Adams has also made a sketchbook of a lot of his best pieces and I must say his Gallery piece in the back of Batman Odyssey is a great piece. Inked by Kevin Nowlan. Josh will be at the convention so you can get Neal and Josh Adams to sign Batman Odyssey at the booth.
Next.....drum roll please.......Yes, Neal Adams will also be at the convention signing away very happily his Batman Odyssey project that he is very happy about. He loves being back on Batman.We will be selling Sketchbooks of Neals, T-shirts of Batman Odyssey, Batman Books, Original Art. I hear he even has a couple of pages for sale of Batman Odyssey #1 up at Heroic Fine Arts that will also be at the convention. I can't believe Neal is selling his pages from Batman Odyssey #1. Be the first to own one. We will have other pieces of art for sale at our table as well.
I will be showing up at Comic con for Friday and the weekend. I will take photos of who shows up at our booth and on Monday I will add a list of all the panels Neal will be doing.
So see you at Comic con

Friday, July 9, 2010

Neal Adams Batman Odyssey is on Sale !

Batman Odyssey #1 Is on sale this week at your local comic store and I have to say "It looks
Great" ! Neal Adams will be signing Batman Odyssey this Saturday July 10th at Midtown Comics at 2:00 to 4:00 so come on down and check out the book and meet Neal. He would love to sign your book and answer questions on Batman's Odyssey .
Continuity is gearing up for San Diego. All the boxes have been pulled out and everything is getting packed up. I can hear the sound of the tape guns outside my door sealing up the boxes.
Neal Adams will be showing pages of up coming Batman Odyssey stories and signing away. Joel Adams will be showing and selling his line of Lilz "Creatures of the Night" He has some great product with the Lilz a Ashcan convention sketchbook as well as , skatedecks for skateboards, prints, button sets and handcrafted Lilz jewerly . He also is selling The Big Joel Adams sketchbook.
Jason Adams will be showing and selling his statues. He also will be selling his new book "Spyda's Creations A study of Sculptural Method".
Josh Adams will be showing his artwork and will be selling a book called "Drawing Features"
And we have a group book of all the male Adams' "4 Adams".
Don't miss out on all of these great books.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Batman to Superman ?

This week we have been knee high in supervising color for the Superman Vs Muhammad Ali reprint. It is looking fantastic. We are not going overboard with new color. We are keeping the flavor of the original color and just bringing it up a notch. When I first started working at Continuity one of the first jobs I had besides answering the phones and making sure the coffee pot was full for the "Crusty Bunkers" was that I got to zip some of the pages of the Superman Vs Ali job. I remember being really scared of screwing up. I was using an exacto- blade (which is a small razor blade) and I was cutting this thin skin stuff called zip-a-tone on Neal Adams original art and what if I cut through the paper? "OH MY GOD !" Well the first page I ever zipped is the spread with the green aliens pointing. I zipped the ring in the sky. Now I am watching over the book again. I'm so glad that we get to refurbish it and DC is printing it again. Thank you Paul Levitz.
I also wanted to remind everyone that not this weekend, but next, Neal will be in Long Beach at the Science Day Convention. Neal is doing a panel on his " The Earth is growing" theory. He will be showing his animated fun and interesting video as well as talking about it. If you can't make it we do sell Neal's videos on his theory on the front page of our site. Don't miss out.
I also wanted to share this week a piece of original art that we recently sold. It is a gorgeous Supergirl piece so please keep your eyes on the original art that we have for sale on our site. Jason who runs Neal's original art is always changing things up.
Next week I will be showing what we will be selling at San Diego and all the great people that will be at our table during San Diego. I have 4 weeks left to convince you to come meet us in San Diego. I have heard that we may be attending some more conventions so stay tuned and I will be listing them next week.

Happy Fathers Day to all you Dad's

Friday, June 11, 2010

What will I get Neal to do next ...... ?

We have had a lot going on at Continuity these days , it feels like we have a lot of comic plates spinning so lets review.
Batman Odyssey #1 Has been handed in complete to DC. The coloring is fantastic. The book has a different look than what I see across the stands of the comic stores. I find it new and challenging and refreshing. A new kid on the block ! We also handed in the 20th penciled page of Book #9 in the series and we are cruising through the inking on book#2. I have posted to the right, our Cover on Issue#2 of Odyssey as well as one of the inked interior pages.
The " Art of Neal Adams " coming out from Vanguard, is a fantastic art book which covers Neal's early early commercial work, through the superheroes that we love at DC and Marvel. Painted pieces of Movie poster art. My banner at the top is one of the pages from this book . I believe it is a cover from a Kung Fu magazine. Make sure to reserve your copy at your nearest comic store.
Wolverine- We are getting very close to starting the work on this exciting project. Neal says we will be starting plots this coming week. "Neal Adams doing a Wolverine series, that's exciting to me and I feel I have seen it all." I will keep you posted.
Continuity Comics..... Yes, we have had many discussions at Continuity about refurbishing some of the titles from Continuity Comics. I felt like posting them under my blog. A "Megalith" piece that we never published. "Samuree", still one of the sexist fighters in comics. "Knighthawk",
a hybrid with wings thats tougher than Batman and does carry guns. LOL.... And then I felt like putting up one of Neal's Barbarians. So where am I going with all of this?
What will I get Neal to do next?????

Stay Tuned,

Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Bat Week !

I thought last week was a big Bat Week. This week I got to see the most fantastic coloring I have seen Continuity do. I am so excited that I had to show some of the Batman Odyssey pages this week. We have completed Odyssey #1 and are moving into inking Odyssey #2 which will be Neal Adams inking and we will be beginning the color on Issue#2 as well.
We handed in 5 more pencil pages to Odyssey Issue 9 this week after finishing off the color on Issue #1.
I hope comic stores are going to have enough copies. This Odyssey Project is going to rock the marketplace. Next week I will be doing a section on some of the pencils and I'm hoping I can videotape Neal inking some of Odyssey #2 that I will put up on Kris World.
I have left up the Neal Adams Skateboard designs hoping I would get some feed back on the designs. I know I want the Barbarian coming out of the swamp one for my office.
I also included two spreads from the "Art of Neal Adams" from Vanguard which is this fantastic art book that has a lot of work that has not been published in a long time as well as some great Movie Posters from the past that Neal has worked on. I will be putting up one of those spreads next week.
Batman Odyssey ships July 7th and I am worried stores may not have enough copies so please make sure your store has enough because I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on it.


Friday, May 28, 2010

I feel like a fly on the wall this week!

This week has been the biggest Bat week at Continuity yet!!! We have completed Issue#1 and it is "IN"! The inking and coloring looks great ! I have posted some of this Great art below. Make sure you click on the pages that say "click on me". They will open up to be the double page spreads that they are and then, you should find the one that has our guest inker working with Neal. A big friend...... And probably my favorite artist in the whole world .......Worked on the spread with Neal. You tell me who you think it is ?????????
I also have posted all the covers done to date. We handed in Issue #3s cover to Batman Odyssey this week. And it Rocks. You have to look at it closely to see what you are supposed to see. Make sure to check that out. I am hoping that DC might do a poster with this cover. I know I want one for my office.
We also decided to see how Neals art would look on a skateboard deck. Our first samples came in this week and they look Amazing. We are thinking about doing a limited edition. I have
one hanging in my office and everyone stops and says" That looks great". "I want one" I just need to know from you guys if you think you would be interested in these as a product? I think we will be selling and displaying these at San Diego Comic Con if you guys like them.
Please make sure to check out our store. Jason has some new art up and I know we have been selling a lot of pieces in the last two weeks. Our store is on our home page up near the top.
You can also still pick up the "Neal Adams" Batman Volumes which we have available. I know Jason has some good bundle deals on the site as well.
And last for this week, I need to remind you that Neal will be doing a science lecture in Long Beach California this month June 26th and this convention is free. "Public Science Day"

Buzzing out

Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Big Big Week !

Hi Everyone,
This week we are making the big announcement that Neal will be appearing in Long Beach California at a Science Convention. He is one of the guest speakers on Saturday June 26th at
noon. It is in a really great looking building that is shaped like a pyramid and I hear they do a lot of experiments as exhibits. A total geek out Saturday and Neal will be giving a presentation of his growing planet theory. I asked if we could put up one of his video's on Kris's World this week for free and he agreed. Please check it out! Maybe this explains all the earthquakes and Volcano eruptions we've been having? I know I took another look at his theory ! If you need to see more you can buy them on the first page of our site under Neals Science "A New Model Of The Universe" It's on the right hand side of our page.
The second big piece of news for Continuity this week is that a lot of art sold this week from
the Neal Adams Original Art Store. We will be putting up some new pieces this week but I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we have original art up for sale on our site. Just look for the Neal Adams Store. Don't miss out. I bet Neal will become very hot once that Batman Odyssey Book hits the stands. My brother Jason handles all the sales and he is the nicest person to deal with and makes payment plans really easy.
Third big piece of news is Taco Bell has launched a new campaign this week that Continuity worked on. You can see it on our first page or you can look for it on You Tube. You have to check it out. Its really funny. Everyone likes to watch it.
And the last piece of news for this week is......... Drum Roll Please...... We have handed in 10 more pages of the Batman Odyssey series bringing our total up to 190 penciled pages. Meaning we are up to page 15 in Issue #8. I see no problems ahead. Just make sure you have reserved
your copy. I want no crying. I have a prediction that the Odyssey numbers will be higher
than the top selling DC book out these days.

So, embrace the inner science nerd in all of us and watch Neal's theory.
Signing out

Friday, May 7, 2010

Batman Odyssey #1

Batman Odyssey #1, make sure your retailer is going to have a copy for you..
I posted the cover of Odyssey #1 which is also on Previews this month and I posted the very first spread that appears in the book. This is going to be a very hot book that will fly off the shelves. A lot of excitement and events are building up for the release.
Neal is up to page 20 of Issue #8 in pencils. We have handed in a lot of Neal Adams inked pages this week and Continuity Studios is busy coloring fantastic pages.
We signed Neal up to do a signing at Midtown Comics, in Manhattan, our home town on July 10th. If you check out Midtown comics site you can find out more information on the signing. I sure wouldn't miss out on getting my copy of Odyssey signed by Neal in the same week the book ships! Check into Kris's World for more up and coming events.

Superman Vs Muhammad Ali
This book is also planned to be released this summer. DC is working hard on the new color work that Neal is over seeing for this book. This is the first reprinting of the most iconic fight
in comic history.

Neal Adams Art Book
I changed out my top art to show some more spreads that are inside the greatest Neal Adams art book done to date because I feel we really dug deep to pull pieces of art that people have
either never seen or haven't seen in a very long time. This book will be released at San Diego and it is published by Vanguard.

This is turning into the hottest summer ever. Here is a list of what we have coming out.
Savage 1 and Savage 2 from Continuity Publishing due out in July
Neal Adams Art Book from Vanguard due out this summer.
Superman VS Muhammad Ali due out this summer.
Batman Odyssey #1 due out July 7th. Call your retailer.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Best Neal Adams Summer Ever !!!

If you are a true Neal Adams fan, this is the summer for you! We have a fantastic book coming out from Vanguard. I have enclosed below some of the spreads from the book. This book covers more ground than any book on Neal Adams to date. I have seen Ben Casey , early commercial work, a hard to find Vietnam story that rips your heart out. Traditional comic superhero work. Work that he did for Warren. It has a lot of work I have not seen printed for a very long time. Continuity has really opened all the vaults for this book.

We also have "Savage 2" coming out from Continuity this summer. If you are into Savages and
Jungle type men this is the sketchbook for you. It is the second one in a series of Savage books that Continuity has put out. I have a copy right next to me and I see presentation work for a Sinbad show that Neal worked on and great hunky savage types.

"Batman Odyssey' will be out this summer
We handed in more penciled pages this week. We are 15 pages into Issue#8 . And Neal is inking away on issues one and two. We also started color on Issue#1. I will be showing some color work next week with those nice Neal Adams inks.

I think this is going to be a fantastic Neal Adams summer. I know I can't wait !


Friday, April 2, 2010

This is a very big week for Neal Adams and Continuity.


Neals Batman Odyssey project has been scheduled for July 2010 you can read about it on DC Comics blog. The Superman Vs Muhammad Ali project has also been announced with a June 2010 release. Two fantastic statues will be coming out this year. The Superman Vs Muhammad Ali statue as well as the Man Bat statue. The Man Bat statue, is part of the same series of statues as the Batman statue that came out a while ago. Both the Batman and Man Bat statues are sculpted by Jason (Spyda) Adams and they both are fantastic. Batman was an instant sell out and I’m sure Man Bat will be to. I also know a little secret……..I believe Man Bat is in Neal’s Odyssey project. Joy!

I also have some sneak peaks of the great new coloring of the Superman Vs Muhammad Ali comic done by Moose. The pages are looking great ! Make sure to reserve your copy at your comic retailer. This is the first reprinting of this book and they are doing it at the original size of the first printing, which those books go for $120.00 if you can find one.

I’m sure these will become collectible. A Hot Book!

Update on the Odyssey project for those that have been following. We have turned in the first 3 pages of pencils on Issue #8 And we will be handing over the first cover of the Odyssey project in color on Monday to DC. Not to much further to go…….

Have fun finding Easter Eggs . I know I will.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Yes, we are going to be working on another main stream character from the other company

We are proud to say that Neal just inked a deal to work on Wolverine. We at Continuity are very excited. I always like to work with both companies DC and Marvel and I am happy we are going to be doing that. I just put up some Wolverine pin up art to wet all of our appetites .

Now on to Batman news. Neal is completely done with pencils on the first series which is 6 issues. YEAH ! “I’m Happy” Six complete issues. “I felt I had to say it again” I hear I will be handing in the first 5 pages of the next book, “The Underworld” on Monday and we will also start working on the first cover of the series as well. Neal has been inking along with penciling so I know everyone will be happy.

Commercial Work

We are happy to say that Continuity has another commercial that we worked on the animation part of on TV right now for Dannon Danonino. This is not CGI like the Nasonex Bee that we are known for. This is done with traditional art animation. I know I’m going to go out and buy some this weekend.

Next week I will be showing some color work on the Superman Vs Muhammad Ali project and more Batman of course. Also don’t forget to check out Astonishing Xmen on Itunes as well as the last two episodes of Time Jumpers.

Have a great weekend I know the Adams family will be sledding in Prospect Park this weekend. Keep warm and enjoy the rest of our site.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Swimmin with the newly designed Aquaman

How lucky am I to be able to swim this week with Neal’s latest design of Aquaman. Neal has made him more handsome and definitely more super heroic. He’s broad, manly and has long blonde hair. I will be showing more inked pieces from this series in the following weeks. Neal has been busy writing the next part of the Batman Odyssey, which we refer to as the “Underworld” . Our page count is still holding at 125 penciled pages since Neal has moved into the writing chore of the job. Rumor is it is in the process of being scheduled for a June 2010 release. I will keep you updated on this as well.

Superman Vs Ali has been sent to Moose Baumann for the coloring chores this week. Neal will be designing a new cover for the regular edition that DC will be putting out.DC is also looking for if anyone might own the last spread of the Superman Vs Ali Story. They are missing the film work for the Superman side of the handshake. Please Give us a call at 212-869-4170 if you might own it and we could possibly get a good scan from the original.

Commercially we have been working on Lyrica print. Scott’s Grass and “Guess Who” A really fun game from Milton Bradley.

Have a Great 3 Day weekend and please check in with us next week.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Time Jumping In Kris's World

I hope everyone had a great holiday week last week. I know the Adams Family did, and everyone is back to work this week. Continuity has taken on the last two episodes of the “Stan Lee Time Jumper” animated Series and it has been very exciting. It is in a different style than what we did with the “Astonishing Xmen” motion comic project. I believe our “Time Jumper” episode#9 will be out on Itunes at the end of this month. We are adding artwork and editorial editing to help make this a dynamic series for Disney.

Astonishing Xmen Episode#6 on sale at Itunes from Marvel. The last episode of the first series is on sale at Itunes. The episode leaves you on a cliffhanger. Who is talking behind Emma in the last frame????

Batman Odyssey has been made larger. We have just penned an agreement for part 2 of the Odyssey which will be another 150 story. We are very excited on how this project is moving along . We are gathering together the top talent of the field to work with Neal on the inking chores of this fantastic series. I will keep you posted on when DC will be putting it out. Neal handed in the plots and scripts for the new second half of “Batman Odyssey “this week. And I decided to show a little Scott Williams inking on Neal.

First Wave. Neal did a dynamic cover over the holiday week, which Moose Bauman did a great job in coloring up for us. I have posted it to the side. Too bad it is a variant cover so keep your eyes peeled at the comic store.

More exciting news to come next week with more exciting art.