Friday, September 17, 2010

You have to get this Book "The Art Of Neal Adams"

Hi Everybody,
I am back from the summer fun and ready to start blogging again. This week I decided to write about the new "Art of Neal Adams " book that just came out from Vanguard this week.
I believe this is the best book that has ever come out of my dad's work. My brother Jason designed and picked the pieces that are in this book. We decided to dig deep into the art drawers and make, the best book so far of Neal's work. (That so far means I want to do another one.)
It starts with pages that Neal did while he was in high school and leads into his first commercial job for Johnstone and Cushing, which was how to make Fish prints. I got this piece of art from Bob Le Rose and I coudn't believe that my father actually bought a fish and printed with it. (Somehow I thought that was cheating. Why didn't you draw it?)The book than goes on to his Archie Joke pages which I did get a chuckle when I read "Jughead In Soup's On." The book then goes onto some Ben Casey work with the photos that Neal shot of himself as Ben Casey so that he would get the intense acting that he wanted to draw in his strip. Chapter 3 is Neal's comic art which we pulled pieces that are well known and pieces of "Son of God" which might not be as known. It has Neal's Savage paintings and Movie Poster paintings all very large on the pages. (I personally hate when I can't see the art really big) It has some of Neal's commercial work that we have done with well known superheroes and it even has a chapter on Theme Park design work that Neal has done. The book is beautifully printed with really rich color. I have a hard time putting it down. I like to flip through it when I really should be making phone calls looking for work.
THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK ! And I know you will agree. I have loaded some of the images from the book so that you can see what I am talking about.My page has 6 pages from the book for you to see. We are selling this in our store on the first page of our site. Just look for the STORE button and I know the bigger comic stores will be carrying it as well.
Now on to Batman Odyssey.
We are very close to finishing the color up on Book #4 which ships in October and we handed in up to page 15 of Issue #11. Neal is cruising.......

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